Sing Your Song Collaborates with Kate Sessions Elementary School
Sing Your Song collaborated with Kate Sessions Elementary School to provide funding for an Outreach Program of “The Wizard of Oz”. The production was an overwhelming success! Not only were parents, student and teachers happy with the outcome, audience members were delighted with what was accomplished during a short time with the children – and what wonderful things theatre did for the children and their school. Sing Your Song was honored to be a part of this program.
Sing Your Song Collaborates with Theater School @ North Coast Repertory
Sing Your Song has been fortunate to have the opportunities to collaborate with the Theatre School @ North Coast Repertory on three concert versions of Broadway productions: Les Miserables, Into the Woods and Tale of Two Cities. The journey from conception of the idea of a fundraising collaboration between Sing Your Song and the Theatre School @ North Coast Repertory had been over a year in the making. It was with much pleasure that Sing Your Song was able to provide the opportunities to watch these students grow as performers over the course of a 6 week period. We were so thrilled to have been a part of the adventure and the success of these events.
One of the reasons that we started our non-profit organization, Sing Your Song, was to help give students the training and the opportunity to perform in musical theatre. We were thrilled that we were able to partner with the Theatre School @ North Coast Repertory to provide this amazing opportunity for these fabulous students. Not only did the Les Miserables, Into the Woods and Tale of Two Cities Concert Fundraisers provide training for students interested in musical theatre, but it also provided funding to allow students to participate in the education and training offered at the Theatre School @ North Coast Repertory Theatre.
Sing Your Song Collaborates with Breakthrough Theatre Workshop on the San Diego Premiere of Songs for a New World
Sing Your Song had the opportunity to collaborate with Breakthrough Workshop Theatre on a concert version of Songs for a New World. It was an intensive rehearsal period for the students (3 weeks)! But the students stepped up to the challenge and performed the show with great success. It was a pleasure working with this wonderful group of students and professionals.
Sing Your Song Collaborates with Blue Rose Theatre Project
Sing Your Song was fortunate to have had the opportunities to collaborate with the Blue Rose Theatre Project (“Blue Rose”) on two projects: A full production of The Wizard of Oz and a concert version of Les Miserables.
We were delighted that we were able to partner with Blue Rose to provide these wonderful opportunities for their students. Not only did The Wizard of Oz and Les Miserables productions provide training for students interested in musical theatre, but the proceeds also provided funding to allow students to participate in the education and training offered by Blue Rose. In addition, some of these proceeds will be used for funding future Blue Rose productions (including their upcomng production of Beauty and the Beast).